Pro Utilitate Hominum

For the Service of Mankind

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 27-7-2013

27th of July 2013 , we had our Annual General Meeting (AGM) today.
The meeting starts at 9:15a.m. singing the St. John Ambulance song. After that, our teacher's advisor, Pn. Hasaniza gave a short speech. She mentioned that she represents the head teacher advisor for the speech and hope that No.3 Combined Cadet can continue to be improve.

Pn Hasaniza giving speech.

Next, M.I.C for year 2012/2013, Kelly Loh gives a speech to all members. She expresses her gratitude to Sir Foo Jia Le, teachers , committees and all members for their support and help throughout the year.

M.I.C for year 2012/2013, Kelly Loh :)

After Kelly's speech, the secretary, Joy Ng Mei Lok and treasurer, Lim Huey Sin for year 2012/2013, presents their report.
Secretary year 2012/2013, Joy Ng Mei Lok

Treasurer for year 2012/2013, Lim Huey Sin

After that, the MC introduced the new committees for year 2013/2014. The following list for the new committees are on the left.

 Member in charge : Ng Chen Yin  

Vice member in charge : Lee Jia Yun 

Secretary : Chan Si Yuan 
Vice secretary : Yap Kar Xin 
Vice treasurer : Cashyn Loh 

C.V.S.C : Hng Chai Geik

Storekeeper : Ong Jian Hui

Medicine: Kevin Pek Yu Meng

 Welfare : Goh Wei Ling

 Vice Welfare : Ch'ng Yee Kheim

 Vice Secretarian : Loh Yarn Han

Information technology : Tee Hui Ling 

Footdrill and Recruit Coordinator : Lim Zheng Li

Later on, Sir Foo Jia Le gives the promotion letters to members. The members who awarded Cadet Corporal is Ng Chen Yin and Lee Jia Yun. The members who awarded Acting Cadet Lance Corporal is Lim Zheng Li, Chua Jun Ying, Hng Chai Geik, Chan Si Yuan, Goh Kien Wei and Chooi Weng Soon Vincent.

Cadet Corporal

 Ng Chen Yin

 Lee Jia Yun

Acting Cadet Lance Corporal

Lim Zheng Li

Chua Jun Ying

Hng Chai Geik

Chan Sin Yuan

 Chooi Weng Soon Vincent

It's time for Officer Foo's speech. Sir Foo Jia Le mentioned that our division had improved a lot compared to the previous years and he hopes that we could achieve more improvements in the future.

Sir Foo Jia Le giving speech

After Officer Foo's speech, the RSO Cadet Ghee Wee Sim said a few words. He said that he feels grateful to see our division is getting better from year to year and hope that we could continue to be improve in the future.

Cadet Ghee Wee Sim

Lastly, our M.I.C for year 2013/2014, Ng Chen Yin gave a speech. She expressed her gratitude for being given the chance to lead St. John Ambulance Malaysia No.3 CC. She also hope that St. John will improve under her and the new committees' lead. 

M.I.C 2013/2014 giving speech

Group photo :D

At about 10:15a.m, our Annual General Meeting for year 2013 has come to an end. We all hope that St. John Ambulance Malaysia of SMJK Chong Hwa will improve year by year. Thank you. :)

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